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How to Prepare for the Storm

How do We Prepare for the Storm?

Jesus, the Master Teacher and the one who has all power over the storms of life warns us of the specific building code that must be followed for our house to weather the storm. As we examine this parable we see that there’s one major difference between the wise man’s house and the foolish man’s house, foundation.

The wise man built his house on the rock. The foolish man built his house on sand. When the rain came, and the streams rose and the wind blew beating on the house, the wise man’s foundation was strong and sturdy, able to survive the storm. The foolish man’s house was built on a weak foundation, it collapsed and was destroyed by the storm.

The two houses compared in this parable can represent the mental, emotional, physical, financial, relational, or spiritual houses of our lives. We see from the parable that the most important feature of every house is the foundation. Ask yourself, what kind of foundation are the houses of your life built on? Are they built on the Rock or the sand? Can your houses withstand the storm or will they come crashing down on you in the midst, of a storm? Are you prepared for the storm? A storm is coming!

Jesus makes crystal clear, three key points in this parable. One, a storm is coming. That’s a fact! It’s our responsibility to be properly prepared for the storm. Two, everyone has an opportunity to be prepared for the storm. No one need be overtaken by the storm. Lastly, to be properly prepared for the storm, we must follow the exact building code given by Jesus Christ. Jesus gives clear, simple instructions on how to build a house that survives the storm. According to Matthew 7, those who hear His words and practice His words will build a house able to withstand the storms but, warns us that those who hear His words and do not practice them will build a house that will coming crashing down during the storm. What kind of foundation is your house built on? Is it built to last or will it come crashing down when faced with the storm? Are you prepared for the storm? A storm is coming!

Let us pray. Dear God, please help us to build a house that is strong enough to withstand the storms of life. We ask for the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding necessary to build our house like the wise man. Also give us the strength and self-discipline to be doers of your word as well as hearers. In Jesus Name, we thank you that have heard and already answered our prayers. We will be certain to give you all the honor and glory. Amen!

Don’t be like the foolish man who lost his house. Build your house upon the Word of God.

Minister Sylvia is a teacher and leader at Impacting Love Global Ministries, Inc.  She uses her life as an open testimony to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ



Do You Know a Storm is Coming?

One of my mottos in life is: “A prepared person is a happy person.” I’m always my best self when I am organized and properly prepared for whatever I might face in life. We may often face life crises or, the “storms of life”, and if we are not properly prepared for the storm we can become overwhelmed and even overtaken by it. Are you prepared for the storm? A storm is coming!

You might be asking, what is a storm of life and how can I be prepared? A storm of life can be any seemingly, never-ending battle with one life crisis after another. Perhaps you are in the midst of a terrible a storm now, or you might be entering a storm, or even coming out of a storm, and all hope has seemed to vanish. I would like to encourage you not to worry but, to place your hope in Jesus Christ, the Hope of Glory. In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus gave us a fail proof plan on how to be properly prepared for the storms of life. In this parable Jesus makes it crystal clear that no one, absolutely no one need be overtaken by the storms of life. Are you prepared for the storm? A storm is coming!

According to Matthew, Jesus tells a parable contrasting and comparing a wise man and a foolish man. Notice both men have built their own houses, but the wise man build’s a house that withstands the storm while, the foolish man build’s a house that comes crashing down during the storm. Again, I ask, are you prepared for the storm? A storm is coming!

This story is not just for the architects, carpenters and contractors. This story is for you and me. Jesus warns us that a storm is coming. He never says "if" the rain comes, or the floods "might" come, or "maybe" the winds will beat on the house. No, Jesus keeps it 100 with us. He lets us know in no uncertain terms that a storm is coming. The problem is we don’t know when it’s coming, where it's coming from, or what form it's coming in but, we can be absolutely, certain that a storm is heading our way. Our job is to be prepared. Are you prepared for the storm?


Learn how to prepare for the storm HERE.

Minister Sylvia is a teacher and leader at Impacting Love Global Ministries, Inc.  She uses her life as an open testimony to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
