To convey and display God's Love to all people and nations.
To convey and display God's Love to all people and nations.
IMPACTING LOVE is a non-profit national and international support outreach organization providing Christian support services.
IMPACTING LOVE assists in meeting the needs of people, spirit, soul and body through providing holistic ministry.
IMPACTING LOVE helps those who sincerely desire to live productive lives in pursuit of God and His Christ.
Would you like to support the mission and vision of IMPACTING LOVE? We welcome your contributions! Donate today at:
Feeding God’s People. Contact us for more information about supporting this mission.
Feeding God’s People. Contact us for more information about supporting this mission.
The work being done in Jamaica is ongoing. We have a steady presence in the country and your support of our work there is appreciated.
The birthplace of our international ministry. Contact us for more information about supporting this mission.
The birthplace of our international ministry. Contact us for more information about supporting this mission.
The first mission trip was to Uganda in 2006. If you would like to hear more about what God is doing in our mission work, please contact us. We encourage you to visit us again as we update our site.
We are working to get back to South Africa to fellowship and uplift our brothers & Sisters. Contact us for more information about supporting this mission.
We are working to get back to South Africa to fellowship and uplift our brothers & Sisters. Contact us for more information about supporting this mission.
Come back soon to learn more about the work IMPACTINGLOVE INC. is doing in Soweto, South Africa. For now, please enjoy the sermon delivered by Rev. Garney Davis, Jr. in Soweto on having bodacious faith.
Sermon: "Bodacious Faith" Do you really know the power of Faith?
We'd love to hear from you. Contact us for more information about the life changing work being done in the United States, Uganda and South Africa.